Finding Zen with UX Click Paths

Learn from a UX Strategist on leveraging Google Analytics data, strategic CTAs, content taxonomy, and holistic UX design to guide users towards your website's goals and achieve higher conversions.

“To understand how to achieve success, you must first know where you are and where you want to go.”

Creating a click path isn't as tough as finding enlightenment. Just a few key pieces of information and aligning business units on shared goals can do the trick.

For example, what do you want guests to do the most? Do you want them to make a purchase? Fill out a form? Click a button? Understanding the answer to this question is the first step.

What is a click path?

Click path describes the steps taken on a website to reach a specific objective. Click paths should be designed with a goal of optimizing a key performance metric, such as conversion rate or click-through rate. How to design and write a website depends on the goal. Maybe you want to nudge guests toward completing a form or reading more about a particular topic. Specific behaviors that support goals are key considerations when designing the UX of a website or other digital experience.

Click Paths: Your Wayfinding to Conversion

Click paths are like imaginary pathways that lead users from one area of your website to another. They can be thoughtfully designed to influence user behavior and steer them towards specific actions, products and categories. Click paths are especially useful for online merchandising, as they allow merchants to drive sales and measure the effectiveness of marketing programs. By planning and implementing click paths with mindfulness, you can optimize the user experience and increase the likelihood of conversions.

How to Improve KPI's Using Click Paths

As a UX Strategist, I have a few ways to improve KPI's using click paths:

  1. Compare data from Google Analytics click paths to business objectives
  2. Form hypotheses based on #1
  3. Test hypotheses by implementing key changes and comparing the data before and after
  4. Share the outcome
  5. Repeat

Compare data from Google Analytics click paths to business objectives

Analyzing click paths in Google Analytics provides invaluable insights into how users navigate through a website. By comparing these click paths to established business objectives, UX Strategists can identify areas where user behavior aligns with desired outcomes and where it deviates. For example, if the goal is to increase conversions on a product page, examining the click paths leading to the checkout process can reveal any bottlenecks or points of friction that may be hindering users from completing their purchase.

Form hypotheses based on #1

Once patterns in click paths have been identified, UX Strategists can formulate hypotheses about how specific changes to the website may impact user behavior and, ultimately, key performance indicators (KPIs). For instance, if a significant portion of users are dropping off before reaching the checkout page, a hypothesis could be that simplifying the checkout process or offering additional payment options will reduce abandonment rates and increase conversions.

Test hypotheses by implementing key changes and comparing the data before and after

With hypotheses in hand, UX Strategists can implement targeted changes to the website and closely monitor the impact on user behavior and KPIs. A/B testing, multivariate testing, or other experimental methodologies can be employed to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of different interventions. By comparing data before and after implementing changes, UX Strategists can measure the success of their hypotheses and make data-driven decisions about which strategies are most effective in achieving business objectives.

Share the outcome

Transparency and collaboration are essential components of successful UX optimization efforts. UX Strategists should communicate the outcomes of their experiments, including any insights gained and the impact on KPIs, with relevant stakeholders across the organization. This fosters a culture of data-driven decision-making and ensures that insights from UX research and testing are integrated into broader business strategies. Additionally, sharing outcomes allows for feedback and discussion, which can inform future optimization efforts and drive continuous improvement.By following these steps, UX Strategists can leverage click path analysis to identify opportunities for optimization, test hypotheses about user behavior, and ultimately improve key performance indicators in alignment with business objectives.

Google Analytics data: Your Guide to User Insights

When in doubt, let the data guide you. Google Analytics can provide valuable insights that inform what your click paths should look like. User behavior analysis, traffic source analysis, conversion tracking, A/B testing and segmentation analysis are all ways in which Google Analytics can be useful.

CTAs: Your Mantra for Conversion

Strategic use of CTAs prompts users to take a desired action. Make your CTAs clear, compelling and tailored to resonate with your visitors. Consider the context of where your traffic is coming from, and design CTAs that speak to your greatest understanding of their intentions.

CTAs can take the form of buttons, lines of text or graphic design elements that prompt users to engage in a specific behavior. By strategically placing CTAs throughout your website, you can guide users along a conversion path and drive them towards your desired goals.

Content Taxonomy: Hierarchy for Harmony

Structured content is the hierarchy that helps users find what they're looking for and integrate with other systems. On-site search and intuitive categorization are essential for a harmonious user experience. A well-structured content system also provides a scalable schema for cost-effective website migration or expansion.

So, let's embark on the path to UX enlightenment together and elevate your website to a state of Zen-like conversion bliss. May your click paths be clear, your CTAs be compelling and your content be structured for harmony.