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Read tips on how to future-proof your website and hear our philosophy about holistic digital strategy.

How to Future-Proof Your Website for 2025

We don’t need a crystal ball to know that websites of the future are engaging, accessible, and mobile-friendly.
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Content Strategy KPIs

Discover the best KPIs to measure the effectiveness of a content strategy and how content strategy impacts those KPIs.
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Market Potential of Accessibile Websites

With the European Accessibility Act on the horizon and more Canadian provinces passing legislation, the imperative for compliance is more pressing than ever, touching all US and Canadian companies engaging in online activities in Europe.
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Holistic Web Content Strategy

Aut velit enim quaerat ullam consequatur eius. Eum et eaque. Quos quidem dolorum voluptatem deserunt quaerat quia autem. Deserunt et mollitia voluptas ipsa necessitatibus optio quam. Aut qui vitae eligendi. Et est possimus corrupti anim
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Embracing DEI: The Future of Web Accessibility

Accessible websites give equal access to information, services, and opportunities on the internet. Learn more. Integrating DEI principles in web and app design is more than a moral or legal requirement—it's a strategic move. Read on to find out why.
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Website Accessibility

As elder generations like baby boomers age, they continue to hold the most spending power of any demographic. Let's explore the implications this has on website accessibility.
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The Symbiosis of SEO & UX

Search engine optimization (SEO) has evolved a lot since its invention in the mid-1990’s, but the spirit remains the same: helping people find the information that’s most relevant to what they’re looking for.
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Finding Zen with UX Click Paths

Discover how click paths can be used in UX design to optimize your website's conversion rate.
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Why UAT is More Than Just a Checkbox

User acceptance testing (UAT) is like a brutally honest friend who tells you when you've got spinach stuck in your teeth. Read on to learn how UAT can save you from yourself.
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Building Inclusive Digital Spaces for Nonprofits

Discover the transformative power of website accessibility for nonprofits, empowering efficiency, inclusivity, and impact in digital spaces. Let's dive in!
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