Content Strategy KPIs

What's the best way to measure the effectiveness of your content strategy? Read on to find out.

A content strategy is a powerful tool that helps nudge user behavior and supports business goals by aligning content with user needs and preferences. An effective content strategy can significantly improve key performance indicators (KPIs) and drive better business results.

Read on to discover how content strategy can improve:

  • Engagement
  • Brand awareness
  • Conversion rates
  • Guest acquisition costs


Engaging content fosters a deeper connection with the audience, encouraging repeat visits and building brand loyalty​.

The most engaging content is user-centric. That means the content is designed with the primary goal of meeting the needs, preferences, and interests of the online guest. It focuses on providing value to the audience by understanding their pain points, goals, and behaviors.

High engagement rates are often linked to better customer retention and higher conversion rates. Writing engaging, user-centric content can significantly boost engagement and other KPIs.

Using data, we can measure how well your content resonates with your guests. KPIs for engagement include page views, time on page, pages per session, and social media interactions (likes, shares, comments). From there, we form hypotheses about ways content could be improved.

Brand Awareness

Content strategy via content marketing plays a crucial role in boosting brand awareness and driving more traffic. There are two facets to content marketing:

  1. Lead generation content
  2. On-site content

Lead generation content is designed to get people engaged and ultimately drive traffic to a website or app. Think of this part as the external content your brand uses to attract online guests.

On-site content is like a companion to lead generation content (for example, a landing page for a marketing campaign). It should provide a consistent experience from where the guest came from and fulfill the expectations of the guest. For example, if a social media post talks about the benefits of a product for a specific audience, then the landing page should also talk about those benefits. This way, the guest recognizes the content as the thing they identified with in the social media post, and they’ll be more likely to engage further after arriving to the website. Sending traffic to the homepage or other all-purpose page may not yield the same results as sending those particular guests to a page that’s tailored to their specific interests would.

KPIs for measuring brand awareness can include page views by source, branded search volume, and social media mentions. When running campaigns, it’s important to use Google Tag Manager or other analytics to track the source of where guests came from.

By consistently creating valuable and relevant content, companies and organizations can enhance their visibility and recognition.

Conversion Rates

KPIs such as conversion rates, customer lifetime value (CLV), and landing page performance are critical for evaluating the success of your content strategy. Effective content that addresses customer pain points and provides clear calls-to-action can improve conversion rates and drive sales.

Guest Acquisition Costs

Effective content strategies that focus on SEO can also drive organic traffic, leading to higher brand recognition without the need for paid advertising. Content marketing, particularly through SEO, has a long-term impact on customer acquisition costs. By driving organic traffic and providing valuable resources to potential customers, companies and organizations can reduce their reliance on paid advertising. This not only lowers overall marketing expenses but also enhances the return on investment (ROI) for content marketing efforts​.


Implementing a strategic content plan that focuses on these areas can lead to substantial improvements in your business's KPIs, ultimately driving growth and profitability.